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Are You Okay?

With Australian’s just having ‘R U OK? Day’ in September 2018, which is our national day of action encouraging people to start a meaningful conversation in an attempt to help those who may be struggling with their mental health. Furthering on from this day of action, any day is a chance to start exe...


Here’s Your Motivation to Get Fit for Summer

Can you believe it’s already September? Before we know it, the beach umbrellas and thongs will be coming out ready for another Summer under the Australian sun. And as the months get warmer and the clothing gets smaller, we all want to be looking and feeling our best. But unlike the tabloids suggest,...


The Unwritten Rules of the Gym

Have you heard gym fanatics talk about the unwritten rules they’d never break? We’re about to put them all on the table so you can walk into the gym with nothing but confidence. Read the Rules of Your Gym Let’s start off with an easy one. When you first walk into the gym, take a look around for any...


MTAN: Mathew Coleman

Meet Belmont’s latest More Than a Number, Mat! Status Pensioner. Have you always been involved in fitness or exercise? I was involved in a lot of sport when I was younger, but as I got older and sustained a few injuries I became less active until more recently. Did you have a goal when you fir...


MTAN: Joel Marks

Meet Lambton’s latest More Than a Number, Joel! Have you always been involved in fitness or exercise? Yes, I’ve always enjoyed being active. Did you have a goal when you first joined Planet Fitness? To maintain a good fitness regime. Have you achieved what you set out to do? Yes and no, there’...