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The Basics of Stretching

For many people, the idea of stretching seems to be spending a lot of time in the back of your mind gathering dust and not really getting the attention it needs. Don’t worry you’re in the same boat as a large percentage of the people in the gym. Read on to understand the importance of stretching and...


Willpower Hacks That Really Work

It won’t hurt to visualise yourself (finally) knocking out 10 pull-ups or crossing the finish line of your first 70.3. But the best way to make those goals happen months from now, says Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., the author of The Willpower Instinct and a certified group-fitness in...


Heads Up, Treadmill Runners

When you run outside, you don’t think twice about where to stare: You look straight ahead in the direction that you’re traveling. But the treadmill presents more options for your gaze—a TV screen overhead, an instructor moving about the room, a magazine covering up your console. And as it turns out,...


Become Pain Free

Almost all of us experience pain in our joints and muscles at some point in time. This can range from acute to chronic pain. When feeling acute pain, this is our body sending warning signals to change what we are doing or more serious problems will manifest, such as chronic pain or injury. But how d...


How to Live a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Heart Disease (which includes strokes and other cardiovascular diseases) still remains the number one cause of death – and when you think about that statistic, it is pretty chilling as there are more deaths to heart disease than all forms of cancer combined! Heart disease is also known as the “Silen...