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Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up!

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No matter the size of it, nobody wants a saggy bottom.

Helen Tardent, owner of Emergy Pilates, author of Beautiful Pilates and host of Australia’s first Pilates show on “Aerobics Oz Style”, shows you how to give yourself the coveted Pilates bottom.

The Leg Lifts – Sweep Series

As you are lying on your side, visualise your spine elongated along a wall as you move your working leg independently, dissociating your thighs from your pelvis.

Set up :

1. Lie on your left side with your left arm stretched underneath you following the alignment of your torso.

2. Place a small cushion or rolled towel between your left ear and arm to support your neck and head.

3. Place your right hand on the floor in front of you at chest height, with your right shoulder drawing down towards your hip.

4. Stack your shoulders and hips on top of one another, with your right leg elongated and straight, in a line that follows your torso.

5. Keeping your left leg on the floor, bend it underneath you until you have a 90-degree angle at your hip and knee.

Precaution: Stop if you feel any lower back discomfort. If you feel any shoulder discomfort, place a bigger pad underneath your head to support your neck, and place your underneath arm on the floor in front of your chest.

Move 1:

1. Flex your right foot and rotate your thigh in slightly so that your heel turns towards the ceiling and your toes point down towards the floor.

2. Lift your waist and ribs off the floor while visualising your spine as a long line that runs from the crown of your head through the centre of your nose, sternum, navel and pubic bone.

3. Breathe in to prepare. As you breathe out, lengthen your right heel away from your pelvis and lift it a few inches, keeping your pelvis and torso stable.

4. As you breathe in, lower your leg, keeping your toes just off the floor.

Repetitions: 8-16.

Move 2:

1. As you breathe out, keep your right leg straight and turn it out slightly, then carry it forwards towards the level of your naval, keeping your pelvis and torso stable. In that position, lift your leg a few inches.

2. As you breathe in, lower your leg and return to the start position, rotating your thigh back in slightly until your knee and toes face straight ahead.

Repetitions: 8-16

Move 3:

1. As you breathe out, keep your right leg straight and turn it out slightly, then carry it forwards towards the level of your naval, keeping your pelvis and torso stable. In that position, lift your leg a few inches.

2. Hold your position. As you breathe in, lower your leg, keeping your heel just off the floor. Continue lifting and lowering, breathing out to lift and breathing in to lower.

Repetitions: 8-16.

Now lie on your right side and repeat all steps.

Article sourced from The Juice Daily.