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Where there’s a will there’s a way…

mind|set NOUN 1. The established set of attitudes held by someone. Our mindset is the essential driving force behind what we do and why. Your mindset is what allows you to achieve the things you have achieved and work towards the things you’re going to achieve. The New Year is upon us and we’re sett...


How Much Water You Should Drink Per Day

The amount depends on your body size, activity level and the weather. While water isn’t the most exciting of drinks, drinking enough water has incredible short and long-term benefits – from helping us to digest food and making our skin glow, to helping carry important nutrients around th...


Get Fit For Summer With Smash Fit PT

It is that time of year when most of you have just realised the weather is getting warm and “oh no” you haven’t trained all winter, you have indulged in foods that make you feel warm and cozy and there is only two months until Summer! If this is you now is the time to get active and start eating cle...


Willpower Hacks That Really Work

It won’t hurt to visualise yourself (finally) knocking out 10 pull-ups or crossing the finish line of your first 70.3. But the best way to make those goals happen months from now, says Stanford psychologist Kelly McGonigal, Ph.D., the author of The Willpower Instinct and a certified group-fitness in...