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We should never have told people to start taking vitamins

It seems like simple, obvious advice: Eat your vegetables, get some exercise, and, of course, take your vitamins. Or not. Decades of research has failed to find any substantial evidence that vitamins and supplements do any significant good. And our obsession with vitamins masks a much bigger problem...


What a Healthy Diet Isn’t

A registered dietician weighs in on the dangers of restrictive eating. Gluten, dairy and sugar have become verboten. Juices are increasingly replacing meals. Desserts are reserved for cheat days, and cheat days only. Although these choices may be made in the name of a healthy lifestyle, they may rep...


The Amazing Benefits Of The World’s Oldest Exercise

Think walking for fitness is a boring waste of time? Think again. Bodyweight specialist Al Kavadlo gives you good reason to get out and go for a stroll. We’ve all been there: It’s the day after a brutal leg workout, and all you want to do is sit on your butt and rest. Your thighs hurt, y...


The Vegan Diet That Will Get You Pumped

We keep hearing about pro athletes going vegan. And our reaction is always: Um, how? So we asked Rastafarian bodybuilder Torre Washington to explain As a kid in Jamaica, Torre Washington ate his grandparents’ island cooking: fish, jerk chicken, curried goat. But as he grew up and started making his...


Is it possible to spot-reduce fat from problem areas?

How to Reduce Excess Fat from Problem Areas People often ask: – “I love my body, but I just want to reduce fat from my thighs. What to do?” – “How can I reduce fat ‘Just’ from my arms?” – “I am doing lot of sit-ups and crunches. Why am I not reducing belly fat?” The attempt to spot...