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MTAN: Jack Steel

MTAN: Jack Steel

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Meet Lambton’s More Than a Number, Jack!

Full time electrician.

Have you always been involved in fitness or exercise?
Yes, I’ve always been involved in sports. I’ve played football, touch footy, and surfing

Did you have a goal when you first joined Planet Fitness?
To improve fitness, strength and flexibility.

Have you achieved what you originally set out to do?
Not quite, I’m working towards it.

What was your perception of gyms/health clubs before you joined? Has it changed after joining Planet Fitness?
I’ve thought they are a good way to keep fit and get into or stay in shape. Planet Fitness is a great gym, everyone is positive.

What are your fitness goals for the future?
To continually improve.

Biggest obstacles you have had to overcome on your fitness journey?
I suffered a shoulder injury from football, I have had to change the way I train.

What is your weekly fitness regime?
Monday – run, Tuesday – weights but I mix up muscles every week, Wednesday – weights, Thursday – weights, Friday – run, Saturday – run/rest/weights. Sunday rest.

Favourite quote?
“The lazy man does twice the work!”