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MTAN: Ian Currie

MTAN: Ian Currie

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Meet Charlestown’s latest More Than a Number, Ian!

Full time Pharmacist.

Have you always been involved in fitness or exercise?
I played soccer and surfed as a kid.

Did you have a goal when you first joined Planet Fitness?
My goal was to stay healthy.

Have you achieved what you originally set out to do?
Yes, and I’m about to enter my first ANB competition.

What was your perception of gyms/health clubs before you joined? Has it changed after joining Planet Fitness?
I came from a coastal town where all of them are similar to Planet.

What are your fitness goals for the future?
To compete in ANB competitions next year in better shape.

Biggest obstacles you have had to overcome on your fitness journey?
The biggest obstacle I have is to get training in around my 59 hour work weeks.

Do you have sources if inspiration? If so, what are they?
Anyone that sets a goal and reaches for it everyday.

What is your weekly fitness regime?
Fasted cardio six times a week, evening weights five times a week, and evening cardio 6 times a week.

What is your favourite quote?
“There is no such thing as the perfect body, but I will chase it.”
Phil Heath