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MTAN: Bruce Price

MTAN: Bruce Price

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Meet Belmont’s latest More Than a Number, Bruce!


Have you always been involved in fitness or exercise?

What brought you to Planet Fitness?
Planet Belmont is in my local area and my wife is a member.

Did you have a goal when you first joined Planet Fitness?
Yes, I wanted to lower my blood sugar levels as I had just been diagnosed with diabetes.

Have you achieved what you originally set out to do?
Yes, my blood sugar level has been “norm1” for 2 months without the need for needles or tablets.

What was your perception of gyms/health clubs before you joined? Has it changed after joining Planet Fitness?
I thought gyms were for fit people. I now know gyms are for anyone of any fitness level that just want to get fitter and healthier.

What are your fitness goals for the future?
To continue the journey I’ve started and to keep getting fitter.

Biggest obstacles you have had to overcome on your fitness journey?
My biggest obstacle was me. I had to change the way I thought about exercise. I had to stop making it a chore and make it something I wanted to do, not just something I needed to do.

Do you have sources of inspiration? If so what are they?
Everyone I see at Planet Fitness makes me try harder. go longer, push on past what I have achieved in the past. My big surprise is that I can do more and more each week.

What is your weekly fitness regime?
I train two to four hours a day 7 days a week.

Favourite quote?
I’m tired now, I’ll think I’ll go home.


This month’s More Than a Number member is proudly sponsored by Swansea RSL Club.