FAQ with Tony Boutagy
Upper body muscle, cutting ab fat, green powders and macros
I get many questions daily on social media and at my gym from clients and trainers – here are some my answers to four questions I was asked this week, covering
– building upper body muscle in a restricted timeframe
– cutting abdominal fat
– Green powders for alkalinity; and
– macro nutrient combinations for fat loss
It is three months until summer and I want to pack on some muscle on my shoulders and chest. What is the best way to go about it?
Frequency: twice per week (making sure other days focus on opposing muscle groups)
Program length: one month
Periodization: 3 programs, one month each
Phase 1
A1. Incline bench press, 4 x 12 super set with
A2. Incline cable flyes, 4 x 15, rest 120 seconds
B1. Seated barbell press, 4 x 12 super set with
B2. Seated dumbbell lateral raise, 4 x 15, rest 120 seconds
C1. Decline close grip bench press, 4 x 12 super set with
C2. Decline EZ bar extensions to hairline, 4 x 15, rest 120 seconds
Phase 2
A. Bench press, drop set, 4 x 10+10+10, rest 120 seconds
B. Lying dumbbell press with rotation, 4 x 20, rest 60 seconds
C. 80-degree seated barbell press, drop set, 4 x 10+10+10, rest 120 seconds
D. 80-degree seated dumbbell press, 4 x 20, rest 60 seconds
E. Triceps pushdown with rope, 4 x 20, rest 60 seconds
Phase 3
A1. Low incline barbell press, 4 x 8
A2. Low incline dumbbell press, 4 x 12
A3. Low decline barbell press, 4 x 15
A3. Low decline dumbbell press, 4 x 25
B1. Standing barbell press, 4 x 8
B2. Standing dumbbell press, 4 x 12
B3. Low cable upright rows, 4 x 15
B3. 80-degree seated dumbbell lateral raise, 4 x 25
What is the fastest way to lose abdominal fat?
In no particular order, but combine all five points to ensure maximum results:
1. High-intensity interval training (done properly), twice per week. Stationary bike or running is best.
10 minute progressive warm-up
6 x 4 minutes at 92% or above of HRmax, resting 2 minutes between
10 minute cool down
2. 4 endurance sessions of 75-90 minutes each at 65-75% HRmax. Two in the fasted state before breakfast, two in the fed state, either between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner.
3. 2 High-volume circuit weights sessions
A1. Squat variation
A2. Standing barbell press
A3. Deadlift variation
A4. Pulldowns
A5. Lunges
5 sets. 15-20 reps (except 8-10 for deadlifts), rest 20 seconds between sets and 2 minutes between circuits.
4. Choose foods at every meal that keep blood glucose fluctuations minimal – high fibre, rich in protein, multi coloured whole foods, minimally processed. 3 days of the week eat 2-3 high protein, lower calorie meals, eat 4 normal sized meals on all other days.
5. Sleep 8-9 hours a night in a dark room, do not use mobile phone within 2 hours of sleep, keep family, work and financial stress to a minimum.
What does the research say about alkalinity? Should I take green powder and do they make me more alkaline? And is this a good thing?
Research is still exploring this area, so precise answers cannot be given at this stage. Until more is known, this is the advice that can be given based on our current understanding – plants should comprise 40-50% of our food choices. This regulates the acid/base balance correcty (which is difficult to measure, by the way). Acid/base balance is important for a number of systems, especially bone and kidneys. It is preferred that plant foods should primarily be eaten in the ‘intact’ state – raw, cooked over juicing (however, modern juicers that keep the fibre in the liquid solve the problem of older juicing methods that remove the fibre). If you think you need powders, it simply and unequivaly means you are not eating enough plant product and that should be addresses immediately. You should not be under the illusion that powders, in any way, resemble the brilliance of whole plants eaten raw or cooked.
I have heard that you can eat fat and protein together and carbs and protein together, but eating fat and carbs together is no good and will create bodyfat. Is this correct?
Most meals (including our first food, mothers milk) contains a combination of all macronutrients. Limiting one macro (either all together – ie low fat or low carb diets – or at certain times of the day – ie at night) in the belief that it will strip fat faster is not a clever or sustainable nutritional practice. This is a complex issue, as certain food combinations, such as low fibre, high sweetness and high fat, increase palatibility, over consumption and, in some, food addiction. Food choices that are high GI and highly refined carbohydrates and high fat, especially trans fats, should be greatly limited. Emphasize meals that are made from foods naturally rich in protein, fibre, fats with 4-5 different colours that you enjoy cooking and eating.
Article sourced from Boutagy Fitness.