Why we made 
the Online Workout Guide

Our Online Workout Guide will help you structure every workout with Instructional Videos, access 
to our Exercise Library of 17+ exercises, 
Sample Workout PDF’s, and FAQ like 
“How many Sets and Reps should I do?


Exercise Library

Upper Body Push
Upper Body Pull
Lower Body Push
Lower Body Pull

Workout PDFs

We’re here to guide you.

We understand that signing up somewhere new can be a daunting process, so we want to take out any guesswork at your end. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please feel free to contact us – the team at Urth Fitness Newcastle are here to help.

Ask us directly

How do I warm up?

This is actually much simpler than you’d think. This program is primarily strength based and focused on being simple. The only requirement you need to warm up, is to do 1-2 light sets of the exercise before you start into the more challenging sets. The only other warm up exercise we recommend is 5-10 minutes of cardio before weights, or any mobility or corrective exercises you have been prescribed by a manual therapist or exercise specialist.

How often should I work out?

First, we’d like to say than even the smallest amount of exercise is better than nothing. So if you only have time to make it to the gym once per week, then that’s awesome. But if you have the time, we recommend you complete this workout 2-3 times per week. If you have time and want to do more than 3, we recommend using our Spa to rest and recover your body more. Using our Hydro-Massage Lounges, Infrared Sauna and Massage Chairs will help your body recover, relax your mind… and it just feels good!

Gym Etiquette- What do I do if someone's on the machine I want to use?

If someone is using the machine you were planning to, there are a few key terms of “gym jargon” you can learn in the gym to be able to work together or find out how long they will be using it for.

First, when approaching them, wait until they have finished their set, and are resting. Ask them “how many sets do you have left?” If they say just 1, you can simply wait until they are finished. If they say 2 or more, then ask”Is it ok if we work in together?” This means that you will take turns doing sets while the other person rests.

The only scenario this would not work is IF they have a lot of sets left, AND it’s a plate loaded machine, AND they are lifting a drastically different weight to you, making it inconvenient to change each set. In this case, it is best to choose another machine, then come back to this one when it is free.

As you can see, there are a lot of IF’s here, so you should always be able to do the workout you intended.

Will this help me to lose weight?

This program is designed to get you fit and strong. It will of course help with weight loss, because it will increase the number of calories you are burning, but whether you gain or lose weight is dependent on how many calories you burn vs how many you consume. Basically, what we’re saying is, you can’t out train a bad diet! So, if you want to lose weight, you also need to monitor your nutrition and calorie intake.

How do I know what machine is the one to use?

All our machines have name labels as well as pictures on them showing which muscles they work, but if there’s a machine in the program you would like to use, that you cannot find, ask any of our friendly staff and they will be more than happy to help you find it.

What about all the other equipment in the gym?

This program is designed to teach you the basic and beginner movements in strength training that you should learn, before moving onto more advanced or specific exercises. Because we pride ourselves on providing everything that any gym goer could need, we do have A LOT of different equipment and machines. Don’t stress about these. Focus on your workout plan and the movements we have recommended for you to start. Once you have a solid routine of those in, you can start to learn more about other specific exercises and think about adding them into your program. All the other equipment has labels and pictures on them showing you how to use them for when you are ready.

Remember, this is a long-term game, don’t rush to find out everything at once!

Do I need to do recovery? Stretching and cooling down?

Honestly, you only need what YOU need. If you have areas of tightness or immobility, then stretching may be appropriate for you, but that is individual and not something we should be recommending on mass. This program is designed to work for anyone who wants a good start into basic strength training. If you’ve been given specific stretches or mobility exercises by an exercise professional, we recommend following their advice on how often and when to do this. We also have our Spa Area in all Planet Fitness locations, and we recommend using our Spa to rest and recover your body more. Using our Hydro-Massage Lounges, Infrared Sauna and Massage Chairs will help your body recover, relax your mind… and it just feels good!

How many sets should I do?

This is one the details people obsess over, and for beginners, it really doesn’t matter that much. But here’s some general guidelines:

As you start out aim for 3 sets. Make the first set lighter to warm up, and gradually increase the weight into the 3rd set.

As you are able to lift heavier and heavier loads, you may need more sets to gradually build up to that weight. So, when you’re able to lift a pretty heavy load for 3 sets in total, then consider adding a fourth so you can build up to it.

As a beginner, we don’t advise more than 5 sets.

How many reps should I do?

This is another number that people obsess over, and once again, one that really doesn’t matter too much. The main focus should be on trying to do something slightly more than last
time. So what’s most important, is that you record how much weight you lifted, for how many reps, and how many sets, of each exercise.

So- let’s say you did 4 sets of dumbbell presses, with 10kg, for 10 reps.

Well next week, you could try doing 11 reps. Or, you could try lifting a heavier weight. Or, you could do a 5th set.

Honestly, any one of these variables are excellent ways to progress, and you’ll find that when you can’t progress in one, you’ll be able to progress in another.

Focus on progressing what YOU are doing, rather than a pre-planned number of reps or sets.

How do I know how to use the equipment?

All the exercises we recommend have a full video explanation in our “exercise library” that you can watch. We also have incredible certified personal trainers at each club whom you can reach out to for further assistance.